Treetop Adventure Parks

The Speleo Ladder

Borrow Speleo Ladder for an original start to your adventure!

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372,00 €

310,00 € tax excl.

Délais de fabrication :

Service client

02 31 78 82 76

Climb to new heights

Let yourself be carried away on a vertical adventure with the Speleo ladder! These brightly coloured ladders are designed for adventurous spirits who like to climb, explore and push the limits.

The Speleo Ladder launches your adventure journey. When you climb this structure, you begin your exploration with energy and fun. It provides a dynamic start to the adventure ahead, inviting adventurers to embark on a captivating experience.

Your new ally to start the adventure

The ladder is designed with 28 cm aluminium rungs, held in place by two Ø 16 mm reinforced ropes, crimped with thimbles and fixing rings at each end. The 30 cm rope spacing ensures optimum strength and stability. It's the perfect opportunity to start a new workshop and climb the ladder of fun. Choose your favourite colour from blue, yellow, green, red, black or beige, and get ready to climb!

Do you have a question?

Would you like information on other modules, advice on creating a complete route or assistance in adapting our modules to your project? Contact us for full, personalised answers to all your questions. We're here to help by phone at +33 (0)2 31 78 82 76 or by email at

Matière Aluminium and armed rope
Coloris Blue, yellow, green, red, black or beige

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