Discover our supply chain of wood.

Découvrez notre circuit d'approvisionnement de bois

Since it's started, SPS Filets is dedicated to supply you products that are made in our workshops. Thanks to this process we are able to ensure the quality and the durability of our products. Come and learn more about our wood supply.

Where does the wood come from ?

Logo Forêts Françaises

The wood that is used in SPS Filets’ workshop is issued from french eco-friendly forests which are managed in order to preserve and renew the environment.

Our historic partner is producing 100% of the wood from trees that are selected in our local forests at less than 200km from their production site.

Our products follow certifications

Because for us it is important to offer you good quality products, all our modules designed from wood respect French certifications. Thus, we bring you the proof of our eco-friendly approach.

Our partner respect the following certifications :

Label FSC et certification PEFC

Choose the essence that suits you.

It exist many varieties of wood , so at SPS Filets, we have decided to let you choose your species in the construction of your courses. All designed to last over time while preserving the environment, you can choose between :

Découvrez nos différentes variétés de bois : chataignier, mélèze en chevron, bois autoclave, douglas

Your elements are made in Normandy in our workshops !

At SPS Filets, we believe very much to our DNA and strength that link our services.

From the reception of our request of order from our sales team to its production in our workshop every happens in Mondeville, Normandy (14).

Photographie de la menuiserie SPS FILETS

Since 10 years, every member of the team works close to each other. It gives us the strength to supply you the best every day in the care of your project.

We are proud to choose a production made in France!